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News and Events
Monday, 2 February 2009
You-Tube has become one of the most popular websites for music promotion in recent years. Several of David'92s '91live'92 performances can be found there and have been received incredibly well with an average of 5 stars per video clip.

David commented, '93I'92m amazed and flattered how many people have taken an interest in these online performances. The videos which seem to get uploaded are mostly light-weight in style, but regardless I'92m delighted the euphonium is beginning to be appreciated on this scale by a global audience.'94

Check out some of the most popular:

Carnival of Venice: BBC NOW

Gabriel's Oboe: BBC Philharmonic

Flight of the Bumble Bee: S4C Studio Orchestra

Myfanwy: S4C Studio Orchestra

The Hot Canary: Cory Ensemble
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