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News and Events
Thursday, 9 February 2012

David & his Dad Robert prior to Cory's appearance at this year's RNCM Festival of Brass

'93This has been one of the toughest decisions I'92ve ever made. To play with one of the world'92s great bands is one thing, but couple that with playing for your lifelong teacher and Dad, and it becomes beyond special. To say I'92ve enjoyed my time with Cory would be an understatement '96 it has meant the world to me. My wife, my sister and some of my closest friends are members of the band. Obviously I am sad to be leaving.

However, as my career continues to take me in different directions I'92ve been finding it increasingly difficult to successfully balance my professional life with the commitment I demand of myself at Cory. During the next year I have solo appearances all over the world, and with some exciting recording projects, commissions, conservatoire tuition, master classes, and a young family, it'92s become impossible for me to do everything.

I look forward to making my final official appearance with Cory at the Welsh Regional Championships next month and would like to publicly thank everyone associated with the band for the experiences and support they've given me over the years. It has been an absolute pleasure to share the stage with so many wonderful musicians, friends and family. I will continue to follow the band closely and wish you all the very best of luck for the future."

David Childs
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